Friday 13 September 2013

Update - Demolition Day 27 (#182-188) Frank Price Building is gone!

182.  Where the front of Frank Price Building used to be. Taken from Weoley Park Road. (12/SEP/2013)

Taken from vantage point a*

183. Where Hamilton Building and Frank Price Building once stood. Taken from Hamilton Drive. Weoley Park Road in the background. (13/SEP/2013)
Taken from vantage point b*

184. Rubble from Mary Burnie House. Hamilton and Frank Price Building gone from the background. Hamilton Drive on the left, Weoley Park Road in the background. The cedar tree on the left. (13/SEP/2013)
Taken at vantage point ee*

185. The trees around campus are just starting to change colour. The birch and horse chestnut trees in the OLRC staff car park. OLRC on the left. (13/SEP/2013)

186. The horse chestnut tree in the OLRC staff car park has huge chestnuts, but they aren't quite 'ready' yet. (13/SEP/2013)

187. The trees along the winding path are also going brown. Alan Geale House in the background, Johnston House on the left. (13/SEP/2013)

188. The golden liquid amber tree is just starting to change colour. BCC (Birmingham Christian College) on the left. Taken on Hamilton Drive. (13/SEP/2013)

*See map and key for vantage points: Map and key

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