Friday, 23 May 2014

Building Update on a Rainy Day in May (#1776 - 1180)

1776. The OLRC (Orchard Learning Resource Centre) from across Hamilton Drive. The teaching wing is on the left. The azalea is on BCC (Birmingham Christian College) property. (22/MAY/2014)

1777. The front entrance of the OLRC viewed from Hamilton Drive. The thicket is on the left. (22/MAY/2014) 

1778. Panoramic shot (very little distortion) from BCC on the left, across Hamilton Drive, past the thicket to the OLRC car park on the right. The end of the Teaching Wings can just be seen on the right. That's the sign for Anne's coffee shop sticking out of the grass. (22/MAY/2014)

1779. Panoramic shot (with quite a bit of distortion) of the building site. Weoley Park Road is on the left and Hamilton Drive is on the right. Taken from Hamilton Drive. (22/MAY/2014)

1180. The building site is now quite level. Taken on Hamilton Drive facing south-east. The trees in the background form the Bristol Road boundary of the meadow. George Cadbury Hall can be seen background right. (22/MAY/2014)

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