Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Nature Update (#1602 - 1651)

1602. Cyclamen growing on rough ground, on the corner of the south car-park. (14/APR/2014)

1603. Cylamen growing on rough ground, on the corner of the south car-park. (14/APR/2014)

1604. Daffodils in the close. (Narcissus barii conspicuous) (14/APR/2014)

1605.  Daffodil in the close. (Narcissus barii conspicuous) (14/APR/2014)

1606.  A tiny spider, sunbathing in a daffodil (Narcissus barii conspicuous) in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1607. Daffodils in the close. (Narcissus barii conspicuous) (14/APR/2014)

1608. Alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) growing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1609.  Alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) growing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1610. Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) growing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1611. Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) growing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1612. Dog Violet (Viola riviniana) growing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1613. Dog Violets (Viola riviniana) growing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1614. Spotted Laurel (Aucuba Japonica Crotonifolia) on the green opposite Archibald House. (14/APR/2014)

1615. Queen Anne's Lace aka Cow Parsley (Daucus carota) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1616. The path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1617. Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1618. Queen Anne's Lace aka Cow Parsley (Daucus carota) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1619. 'Whitebells' (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)  growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1620.   Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)  growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1621.  'Pinkbells' (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)  growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1622. Daffodil (Narcissus lucifer) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1623. Yellow Archangel (Galeobdolon luteum) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1624. Yellow Archangel (Galeobdolon luteum) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1625. A mass of tangled branches along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1626. Barberry (Berberis darwinii) blossoming next to Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014) 

1627. Daffodil (Narcissus geranium) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1628. Daffodil (Narcissus geranium) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1629. Persian / Field Speedwell (Veronica persica) growing next to one of the cottages in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1630. Persian / Field Speedwell (Veronica persica) growing next to one of the cottages in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1631. Patch, the Groundskeeper's dog, sunbathing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1632. Patch enjoying the sunshine outside one of the cottages. (14/APR/2014) 

1633. Row of bluebells in front of one of the cottages in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1634. Bee gathering bluebell pollen in one of the cottage gardens. (14/APR/2014)

1635. Bee gathering bluebell pollen in one of the cottage gardens. (14/APR/2014)

1636. Even rubbish looks pretty on a sunny day. Bluebells and Violets come up despite the obstructions. (14/APR/2014)

1637. Apple blossoms in the cottage gardens. (14/APR/2014)

1638. 'Whitebells' outside Alan Geale House. (14/APR/2014)

1639. Yellow buds burgeoning on a wild rose in the hedge where the front of Johnston House used to be. (14/APR/2014)

1640. More Dog Violets (Viola riviniana) growing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1641. Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)  growing behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

1642. Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)  growing behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

1643. New Horse Chestnut leaves sprouting along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1644. New Horse Chestnut leaves sprouting along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1645. Easter Rose (Kerria japonica) growing behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

1646. Easter Rose (Kerria japonica) growing behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

      1647. Tulip growing behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

 1648. Tulip growing behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

 1649. Tulip growing behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

1650. Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) flowers behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

1651. Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) flowers behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

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