Tuesday 11 March 2014

Tree Felling Update (#1381 - 1400)

1381. View of the thicket with trees cut down on the right. Taken on the OLRC car park. BCC (Birmingham Christian College) and Hamilton Drive can be seen through the trees. (11/MAR/2014)

1382. View across the meadow from the OLRC car park. The trees of "Island D"* have been cut down, revealing a clear view of George Cadbury Hall. The path in the foreground once ran behind Brooksbank Centre. (11/MAR/2014)

1383. The view through "Island D"* of George Cadbury Hall. The cherry laurel in the foreground is from the meadow/demo site boundary. (11/MAR/2014)

1384. The trunk of one of the chopped yew trees in the thicket. (11/MAR/2014)

1385. Chainsaw mark in a tree trunk on the boundary of the meadow. (11/MAR/2014)

1386. Panoramic shot (some distortion) through 180 degrees, from the thicket on the left, to the meadow on the right. George Cadbury Hall can be seen background right. BMS can be seen background left. Weoley Park Road is background centre. Behind the fence is the demolition site where the Westhill College buildings once stood. (11/MAR/2014)

1387. Panoramic shot (not much distortion) of the meadow from the OLRC car park. The teaching wing is out of shot on the right. George Cadbury Hall is background right. (11/MAR/2014)

1388. Panoramic shot (not much distortion) of the OLRC car park. The thicket is background centre with Hamilton Drive running behind it. The demolition site is on the right. BMS (Baptist Mission Society) is background right and BCC (Birmingham Christian College) background left. (11/MAR/2014)

1389. Amongst all the destruction, one of many periwinkle plants is thriving in the OLRC carpark. (11/MAR/2014)

1390. Dew drops on a felled yew tree in the thicket. (11/MAR/2014)

1391. A felled yew tree in the thicket, with a view of the demolition site and Weoley Park Road in the background. (11/MAR/2014)

1392. Cross section of a felled tree in the thicket. (11/MAR/2014)

1393. Tree number 4032 - The Cedar of Lebanon - on Hamilton Drive. Now without branches. (11/MAR/2014)

1394. View from the cedar tree on Hamilton Drive, across the demolition site to the meadow. The teaching wing is on the right and the rubble pile from the demolition is background left. (11/MAR/2014)

1395. Daffodils are just about to flower on Hamilton drive, next to wheel tracks on the pavement, from vehicles used to take away the chopped wood. (11/MAR/2014)

1396. The planter outside the front of the OLRC is still the most colourful spot on campus. (11/MAR/2014)

1397. Primulas in the planter outside the front of the OLRC. (11/MAR/2014)

1398. Daisies in the planter outside the front of the OLRC. (11/MAR/2014)

1399. An enormous pansy in the planter outside the front of the OLRC. (11/MAR/2014)

1400. Dasies in the planter outside the front of the OLRC. (11/MAR/2014)

* Click here for map of the meadow:  Maps and Keys

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