1428. Huge lush Ivy leaves outside Birmingham Christian College Administrative Block on Hamilton Drive. (13/MAR/2014)
1429. Narcissi next to the garage at the back of the BCC staff buildings. (13/MAR/2014)
1430. Dried Hydrangea heads next to the garage at the back of the BCC staff buildings. (13/MAR/2014)
1431. Martin, the Birmingham Christian College warden, gathers leaves and apples around the base of the trees, as compost, and to keep young plants warm underneath. The apples, yellow crocuses and daffodils attract wasps and other insects. (13/MAR/2014)
1432. The gate to the long garden. The Administrative Block on the left and the West Block on the right. (13/MAR/2014)

1433. Crocuses outside BCC West Block. (13/MAR/2014)

1434.The gate to the long garden between the Administrative Block (on the left) and the West Block. One of the cottage buildings can be seen through the trees in the background. (13/MAR/2014)

1435. The BCC Administration Block. (13/MAR/2014)
1436. Ice Plant (Sedum spectabile) outside BCC West Block. (13/MAR/2014)
1437. Ice Plant (Sedum spectabile) outside BCC West Block. (13/MAR/2014)
1438. Primroses (Primula vulgaris) outside BCC West Block. (13/MAR/2014)
1439. A single pink rose in the long garden behind BCC. The garage and Staff Block can be seen in the background. (13/MAR/2014)
1440. Green Alkanet (Pentaglottis sempervirens) grows in the long garden outside BCC accommodation buildings. (13/MAR/2014)
1441. Green Alkanet (Pentaglottis sempervirens) grows among Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) outside BCC accommodation buildings. (13/MAR/2014)
1442. Memorial plaque for CMS benefactor, Mrs Emma Cuming, amongst flourishing Winter Heliotrope aka Guernsey Coltsfoot (Petasites fragrans) at the end of the long garden, outside BCC accommodation buildings. (13/MAR/2014)
1443. One of the wild areas in the long garden behind BCC, which borders the gardens of one of the cottages in the close. (13/MAR/2014)
1444. Some of BCC's main buildings, West Block and Chapel Block (aka Crowther Hall). (13/MAR/2014)
1445. BCC's Chapel Block, which, up until 2005, was named Crowther Hall, after Samuel Crowther - the adopted English name of a Yoruba slave. Crowther was converted to Christianity and worked for The Church Missionary Society on this site. (13/MAR/2014)
1446. View of the side of Crowther Hall showing gardens and accommodation. An entrance to the long garden is in the background. (13/MAR/2014)
1447. A small garden behind BCC accommodation. The old greenhouse is to the right of this picture. (13/MAR/2014)
1448. An abandoned greenhouse in the garden behind BCC accommodation. (13/MAR/2014)
1449. BCC West Block, taken from in front of Crowther Hall. (13/MAR/2014)
1450. The path that runs from the BCC car park, down the side of the staff buildings and reception. Facing north-east. (13/MAR/2014)
1451. Clustered/Field Mouse-Ear Chickweed (Cerastium glomeratium) growing in the gardens of BCC. (13/MAR/2014)
1452. Dried Hydrangea heads outside the front of BCC's reception. (13/MAR/2014)
1453. Skeleton Hydrangea flower, outside BCC's reception. (13/MAR/2014)
1454. BCC reception. (13/MAR/2014)
1455. Common Dog Violet (Viola riviniana) growing next to the BCC car park. (13/MAR/2014)
1456. View of The Administrative Block and Crowther Hall / Chapel Block from the turn in the drive. (13/MAR/2014)
1457. Accommodation at the end of staff block, showing the big tree stump. (13/MAR/2014)
1458. The side of East Block with a view of the staff block across the road. (13/MAR/2014)
1460. Two birch trees between the East Block and Administrative Block. (13/MAR/2014)
1461. The long garden behind Crowther Hall / Chapel Block and West Block. (13/MAR/2014)
1462.The long garden behind Crowther Hall and West Block. (13/MAR/2014)
1463. One of several clusters of snowdrops in the garden behind Crowther Hall and West Block. (13/MAR/2014)
1465. The covered walkway in the long garden between the backs of West Block (on the right) and Chapel Block / Crowther Hall (on the left). (13/MAR/2014)
1466. The long garden at the rear of Crowther Hall / Chapel Block and the Administrative Block. (13/MAR/2014)
1467. Panoramic shot (some distortion) of the long garden behind BCC. Accommodation of the left, Chapel Block / Crowther Hall on the left, West Block far left. (13/MAR/2014)
1468. The walkway in the long garden behind BCC. (13/MAR/2014)
1469. Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) in the long garden behind BCC. (13/MAR/2014)
1470. View form the outside - the deserted greenhouse. (13/MAR/2014)
1471. Inside the deserted greenhouse at the north-west end of the BCC campus. It is mostly full of brambles. (13/MAR/2014)
1472. Inside the deserted greenhouse at the north-west end of the BCC campus. It is mostly full of brambles. Facing south-east. (13/MAR/2014)
1473. Inside the deserted greenhouse at the north-west end of the BCC campus. (13/MAR/2014)
1474. Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) growing in the overgrown abandoned greenhouse. (13/MAR/2013)
1477. Giant Bellflower (Campanula latifolia) in the long garden. (13/MAR/2014)
1478. Bright Hawthorn shoots in the long garden. (13/MAR/2014)
1481. The big tree stump at the rear of the staff block. The OLRC and Teaching Wing are in the background. (13/MAR/2014)
1482. The big tree stump at the rear of the staff block. The OLRC and Teaching Wing are in the background. (13/MAR/2014)
1483. The big tree stump at the rear of the staff block. (13/MAR/2014)
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