Friday 16 August 2013

Scenes from the Selly Oak campus (#122-128)

122. The meadow facing Weoley Park Road - facing NE. (16/AUG/2013)
Taken from vantage point x*

123. The meadow. Bristol Road behind the trees on the right, Weoley Park Road behind the trees on the left. The east corner of the meadow to the left. (16/AUG/21013)
Taken from vantage point x*

124. The meadow facing Bristol Road. Looking SE. (16/AUG/2013)
Shows vantage point p*

New panoramic video of the meadow. Click YouTube link: HERE 

125. The BBC arrive with the 'fambulance' (fake ambulance) to film an episode of Doctors. The OLRC doubles as St Philomena's Hospital. When filming a scene inside the fambulance, the crew jump up and down on the back step of the vehicle to make it look as if it is moving! (15/AUG/2013)
Taken at point #20*

126. Sorry looking window. The rear of Mary Burnie House. Taken from the thicket. (16/AUG/2013)

127. Another sorry looking window. The side of Brooksbank Centre. Some of the bushes were cleared from here today. Taken from the thicket. (16/AUG/2013)

128. Sorry looking window #3. The side of Brooksbank Centre. Taken from the thicket. (16/AUG/2013)

*See map and key for vantage points: Map and key

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