1338. Lords and Ladies (Arum maculatum) aka Cuckoo Pint. along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury Building and Archibald House. (25/FEB/2014)

1339. Italian Lords and Ladies (Arum italicum 'Pictum') along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury Building and Archibald House. (25/FEB/2014)
1340. Bluebells emerging along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury Building and Archibald House. (25/FEB/2014)
1341. An as yet unidentified plant, along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury Building and Archibald House. (25/FEB/2014)
1342. Dog's Mercury along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury Building and Archibald House. (25/FEB/2014)
1343. An as yet unidentified plant, along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury Building and Archibald House. (25/FEB/2014)
1344. Wood Avens (Geum urbanum), along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury Building and Archibald House. (25/FEB/2014)
1345. Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury Building and Archibald House. (25/FEB/2014)
1346. Broad-leaved Dock (Rumex obtusifolus) along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury Building and Archibald House. (25/FEB/2014)
1347. Huge English Ivy leaves (Hedera helix) along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury Building and Archibald House. (25/FEB/2014)
1348. Ivy (Hedera helix) along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury Building and Archibald House. The west end of the path in the background. (25/FEB/2014)
1349. Double Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) in someone's side garden in the close. (25/FEB/2014)
1350. A big Cyclamen (Cyclamen hederifolium) in the close. (25/FEB/2014)
1351. Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) in the close. (25/FEB/2014)
1352. Winter Heliotrope (Petasites fragrans) aka Coltsfoot. (25/FEB/2014)
1353. Viburnum (Viburnum tinis)
1354. An as yet unidentified plant, along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury Building and Archibald House. (25/FEB/2014)

1355. Ivy Leaved Toadflax (Cymbalaria muralis) in the wall in front of Alan Geale House. (25/FEB/2014)
1356. Ivy Leaved Toadflax (Cymbalaria muralis) in the wall in front of Alan Geale House. (25/FEB/2014)
1357. Buddleia seeds (Buddleja davidii) in front of cottage four. (25/FEB/2014)
1358. White Clover (Trifolium repens) with its roots exposed, outside Alan Geale House. (25/FEB/2014)
1359. Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor) on the winding path. (25/FEB/2014)
1360. Elephant-eared Saxifrage (Bergenia cordifolia) along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury Building and Archibald House. (25/FEB/2014)