Tuesday 29 April 2014

Building Update (#1697-1699)

1697. The 'road to nowhere' is now the road to the building site. The wooden gate has been removed. (29/APR/2014)

1698. Panoramic shot (a little distortion) of the building site, taken from Weoley Park Road. A second big hole has been dug, seen here in the foreground. The Orchard Learning Resource Centre is in the background. (29/APR/2014)

1699. Panoramic shot (quite distorted) of the building site, taken on Hamilton Drive. Weoley Park road is on the left, Hamilton Drive on the right. Bristol Road runs along in the background. (29/APR/2014)

Building and Nature Update (#1685 - 1696)

1685. The walk along the side of the Orchard Learning Resource Centre, from the Bristol Road entrance to Bristol Road. (28/APR/2014)

1686. One of the last trees to be cut down is one of the apple trees that grew on island b*. (28/APR/2014)

1687. One of the last trees to be cut down is one of the apple trees that grew on island b*. (28/APR/2014)

1688. The big hole in the meadow is now being lined. (28/APR/2014)

1689. Panoramic shot (with a little distortion) from the building site on the left to the meadow on the right. (28/APR/2014)

1690. View of the building site from the fence in the meadow. BMS (Baptist Mission Society) can be seen background left. (28/APR/2014)

1691. A panoramic shot (some distortion) of the hole in the meadow. (28/APR/2014)

1692.  The big hole in the meadow is now being lined. (28/APR/2014)

1693. Filter blocks are delivered to the hole in the meadow. (28/APR/2014)

1694.  A panoramic shot (some distortion) of the hole in the meadow. (28/APR/2014)

1695. One of the apple trees that grew on island b*. (28/APR/2014)

1696. Meanwhile bluebells continue to bloom on the edge of the meadow, at the Bristol Road entrance to the OLRC. (28/APR/2014)

* Click here for maps

Monday 28 April 2014

Building Update (#1681 - 1684)

1681. Sign on the wire fence around the building site. (25/APR/2014)

1682. View across the building site last thing on Friday afternoon. Taken on Hamilton Drive. Weoley Park Road is in the background. (25/APR/2014)

1683. Another hole has appeared (left). Taken on Weoley Park Road from vantage point a*. The OLRC (Orchard Learning Resource Centre) and Teaching Wing can be seen in the background. Facing south. (28/APR/2014)

1684. View of the spot where Mary Burnie House once stood in the foreground. Various piles of sorted rubble and tree roots. George Cadbury Hall can just be seen background centre. Facing south-east and Bristol Road. (28/APR/2014)

* Click here for Maps

Thursday 24 April 2014

Building Update - (#1668 - 1680)

1668. Panoramic shot (not too much distortion) from Hamilton Drive on the left, across the building site to the meadow on the right. The thicket is on right. The Baptist Mission Society (BMS) is on the left. Facing north-east and Weoley Park Road. (24/APR/2014)

1669. View of the building site across the OLRC car park. Taken from the Religious Hall on the first floor of the OLRC. Facing north-east and Weoley Park Road. St Mary's church can just be seen background left. (24/APR/2014)

1670. View of the building site across the OLRC car park. A new mound of soil has appeared. Taken from the Religious Studies Hall on the first floor of the OLRC. Facing north-east.  Weoley Park Road in in the background. (24/APR/2014)

1671. View of the meadow. A deep hole has been dug across island b*. Taken from the Humanities Hall on the first floor of the OLRC. Facing north-east. (24/APR/2014)

1672. Digging where Brooksbank Centre used to stand. Taken on Weoley Park road from vantage point a*. (24/APR/2014)

1673. View across the building site. Hamilton Drive runs along in the background. Taken on Weoley Park road from vantage point a*. Facing west. (24/APR/2014)

1674. View across the building site facing south-west. The Orchard Learning Resource Centre (OLRC) is background left. The thicket is background centre. Taken on Weoley Park road from vantage point a*. (24/APR/2014)

1675. View across the building site, taken on Weoley Park road from vantage point a*, facing south.  The Orchard Learning Resource Centre (OLRC) is background right. The meadow is background left. (24/APR/2014)

1676. Taken on Hamilton Drive from vantage point cc* facing south-east. Elmfield House can be seen background left. Bristol Road runs along in the background and Weoley Park Road is on the left. (24/APR/2014)

1677. What remains of the cedar tree had been dug up. The thicket is on the right, the Teaching Wing and OLRC are in the background. Taken on Hamilton Drive from vantage point b* (24/APR/2014)

1678. View across the building site to the meadow and Bristol Road. Taken on Hamilton Drive from vantage point dd* facing east. George Cadbury Hall can be seen background right. (24/APR/2014)

1679. The rough patch of soil is where the big rhododendron bush was. Behind that is what is left of the thicket. The Teaching Wing and OLRC are in the background. Taken on Hamilton Drive from vantage point dd* (24/APR/2014)

1680. View through what used to be the other half of the thicket, across the building site to the rubble pile in the meadow. Taken on Hamilton Drive from vantage point ee*  Weoley Park Road is background left. (24/APR/2014)

* View map here: maps

Tuesday 15 April 2014

School Update (#1652 - 1667)

1652. View of the meadow from the Humanities Hall on the first floor of The Orchard Learning Resource Centre. A wire fence has been erected across the meadow, slicing through island b*. (15/APR/2014)

1653. View across the OLRC car park from the Religious Studies Hall on the first floor of the OLRC. The diggers are removing the trunks and roots of the trees cut down in the hedgerow. Weoley Park Road in the background. (15/APR/2014)

1654. Taken from island b* in the meadow. The wire fence that passes through island b*. The Baptist Mission Society can be seen on Hamilton drive in the background. (15/APR/2014)

1655. Panoramic shot (not too much distortion) of the fence erected in the meadow and its proximity to the OLRC. (15/APR/2014)

1656. The south-east meadow boundary with the new fence. Facing north-east. (15/APR/2014)

1657. View of island b* through the fence. Bristol Road is beyond the hedge on the right. (15/APR/2014)

1658. View across the meadow through the new fence. (15/APR/2014)

1659. The new fence continues right around the OLRC car park to the Teaching Wing. (15/APR/2014)

1660. Diggers are removing the roots of the trees and shrubs that formed the hedgerow between the meadow and the demolition site. (15/APR/2014)

1661. Wild Cherry Blossom (Prunus avium 'Plena') outside the Bristol Road entrance of the OLRC. (15/APR/2014)

1662. Wild Cherry Blossom (Prunus avium 'Plena') outside the Bristol Road entrance of the OLRC. (15/APR/2014)

1663.  Wild Cherry Blossom (Prunus avium 'Plena') outside the Bristol Road entrance of the OLRC. (15/APR/2014)

1664. Forget-me-not in the thicket. (15/APR/2014)

1665. The Mike Davis memorial looks lovely surrounded by blooms at the front of the OLRC. (15/APR/2014)

1666. More  Wild Cherry Blossom (Prunus avium 'Plena') outside the front of the OLRC. (15/APR/2014)

1667. More  Wild Cherry Blossom (Prunus avium 'Plena') outside the front of the OLRC. (15/APR/2014)


This is the final post before Easter. Happy Holidays!

* Click here for map: map

Nature Update (#1602 - 1651)

1602. Cyclamen growing on rough ground, on the corner of the south car-park. (14/APR/2014)

1603. Cylamen growing on rough ground, on the corner of the south car-park. (14/APR/2014)

1604. Daffodils in the close. (Narcissus barii conspicuous) (14/APR/2014)

1605.  Daffodil in the close. (Narcissus barii conspicuous) (14/APR/2014)

1606.  A tiny spider, sunbathing in a daffodil (Narcissus barii conspicuous) in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1607. Daffodils in the close. (Narcissus barii conspicuous) (14/APR/2014)

1608. Alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) growing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1609.  Alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) growing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1610. Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) growing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1611. Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) growing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1612. Dog Violet (Viola riviniana) growing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1613. Dog Violets (Viola riviniana) growing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1614. Spotted Laurel (Aucuba Japonica Crotonifolia) on the green opposite Archibald House. (14/APR/2014)

1615. Queen Anne's Lace aka Cow Parsley (Daucus carota) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1616. The path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1617. Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1618. Queen Anne's Lace aka Cow Parsley (Daucus carota) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1619. 'Whitebells' (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)  growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1620.   Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)  growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1621.  'Pinkbells' (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)  growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1622. Daffodil (Narcissus lucifer) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1623. Yellow Archangel (Galeobdolon luteum) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1624. Yellow Archangel (Galeobdolon luteum) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1625. A mass of tangled branches along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1626. Barberry (Berberis darwinii) blossoming next to Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014) 

1627. Daffodil (Narcissus geranium) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1628. Daffodil (Narcissus geranium) growing along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1629. Persian / Field Speedwell (Veronica persica) growing next to one of the cottages in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1630. Persian / Field Speedwell (Veronica persica) growing next to one of the cottages in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1631. Patch, the Groundskeeper's dog, sunbathing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1632. Patch enjoying the sunshine outside one of the cottages. (14/APR/2014) 

1633. Row of bluebells in front of one of the cottages in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1634. Bee gathering bluebell pollen in one of the cottage gardens. (14/APR/2014)

1635. Bee gathering bluebell pollen in one of the cottage gardens. (14/APR/2014)

1636. Even rubbish looks pretty on a sunny day. Bluebells and Violets come up despite the obstructions. (14/APR/2014)

1637. Apple blossoms in the cottage gardens. (14/APR/2014)

1638. 'Whitebells' outside Alan Geale House. (14/APR/2014)

1639. Yellow buds burgeoning on a wild rose in the hedge where the front of Johnston House used to be. (14/APR/2014)

1640. More Dog Violets (Viola riviniana) growing in the close. (14/APR/2014)

1641. Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)  growing behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

1642. Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)  growing behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

1643. New Horse Chestnut leaves sprouting along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1644. New Horse Chestnut leaves sprouting along the path behind Barrow-Cadbury building. (14/APR/2014)

1645. Easter Rose (Kerria japonica) growing behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

1646. Easter Rose (Kerria japonica) growing behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

      1647. Tulip growing behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

 1648. Tulip growing behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

 1649. Tulip growing behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

1650. Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) flowers behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)

1651. Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) flowers behind Birmingham Christian College. (14/APR/2014)