The new school has opened on the Selly Oak campus! First day of term was 10th September.
1545. Front entrance of the new school. (23/SEP/15)
1546. View of the coach park along Weoley Park Road, (23/SEP/15)
1547. The coach park being completed. (23/SEP/15)
1548. The footpath along the side of the school on Hamilton Drive. (23/SEP/15)

1549. The Community Entrance at the back of the school (opposite the thicket) (23/SEP/15)
1550. The dropping-off zone outside the community entrance on the south-west side of the school. (23/SEP/15)
1551. Mysterious laminated letters have appeared on the trees in the thicket. Something educational? (23/SEP/15)